donderdag 19 december 2013

100 books of landscape architecture / Wageningen_2008

List of Literature concept 0.1
After critical reflection on the current curriculum for landscape architecture students, a gap is come to light with regards to the list of literature that we think students should have read before leaving our university program. The literature list should have the following characteristics:

• Increasing level of difficulty
• Increasing level of specialization
• Increasing level of theory versus practice
• Increasing level of freedom of choice
• Building from solid scientific foundations to critical  reflection upon these principles

Also the list should accommodate for the difference in origin of the students that enter at the
A problem that occurs is that though international students may come to experience the Wageningen method of planning there is no English literature on the Wageningen method.

The list should not exceed 100 books even though it does at the moment.

This document proposes a list of literature that should be read in the following respective phases:
• Bachelor-phase
• Master-phase
• Thesis

For instance:
• The Landscape of Man Geoffrey Jellicoe
• Landscape architecture John Simonds
• A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold
• A Sense of Place, a Sense of Time. John b. Jackson
• Discovering the vernacular landscape John b. Jackson
• The Experience of Nature : A Psychological Perspective, Rachel Kaplan and Stephen
• Het groene hart een hollands cultuurlandschap Guus Borger,Adriaan Haartsen etc.
• Het Nederlandse landschap een historisch-geografische benadering S. Barends red.
• Design on the land Norman Newton
• Theory in landscape architecture Simon Waffield
• Denkraam Klaas kerkstra, J.B.Struik en P. Vrijlandt
• The image of the city Kevin Lynch
• A theory of good city form Kevin lynch
• Site planning Kevin Lynch
• Ecology, Community and Delight:sources of values in landscape architecture Ian H.
• Drawing the landscape Ch. Sullivan
• Design Drawing William Kirby Lockard
• Freehand- sketching skills for students of architecture Adriaan van Haaften
• Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture Catherine Dee
• Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Betty Edwards
• Het verzonnen land Peter van Bolhuis
• Kleur Groen, kleurgebruik in de dendrologie Theresia Bos
• Presentatietechnieken Jan van der Does, Adriaan van Haaften, Rudi Kegel,
• Kleur Frans Gerritsen
• Kleur, principe, theorie en toepassing Paul Zelansky and Pat Fischer
• Kleur en Architectuur Jan de Heer e.a.
• Kleurenleer Johannes Itten
• Ontwerp en analyse Leupen e.a.
• Ontwerpanalyse Alma Kennis
• Kleurroute Amsterdam, Groningen, Almere-stad, Heerlen, Maastricht, Leeuwarden, Arnhem,
enz Stichting Kleur Buiten
• Stedenbouw en Kleur, voorbeeldproject Regenboogbuurt Almere Margriet Pflug en Marc Visser

For instance :
• Kleine methodologie voor ontwerpen Taeke de Jong
• Landkaartmos Dirk Sijmons
• Oorden van onthuding Fred Feddes Dirk sijmons
• Natuur en Kunst Erik de Jong
• De filosofie van het landschap Ton Lemaire
• Het lege land Auke van der Woud
• Plant Strategies, Vegetation Processes, and Ecosystem Properties J. P. Grime
• Ecology, Community and Lifestyle, Outline of an Ecosophy Arne Naess
• Landscape and memory simon schama
• A philosophical enquiry into the sublime and the beautiful Edmund Burke
• Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design Anne Whiston Spirn
• The Experience of Landscape, Jay Appleton
• Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, Francis Ching
• Inquiry by Design: Tools for Environment-Behavior Research John Zeisel
• The City Shaped Spiro Kostof
• The Spell of the Sensuous David Abram
• Learning from Las Vegas Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour
• Landscape Narratives: Design Practices for Telling Stories Matthew Potteiger and Jamie
• The Poetics of Gardens Charles W. Moore J. Mitchell and William Turnbull, Jr
• The Symbolism of Habitat: An Interpretation of Landscape in the Arts,
Jay Appleton
• From Bauhaus to Our House Tom Wolfe
• Meaning of Gardens Mark Francis and Randolph Hester Jr.,
• Landscape ecology Richard T. Forman and Michel Godron
• With people in mind Rachel Kaplan, Stephen Kaplan and Robert Ryan
• The art of innovation Tom Kelly
• Great streets Allan B. Jacobs
• People places design guidelines for urban open spaces Clare Cooper Marcus and Carolyn
• Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning W.E.
Dramstad, J.D. Olson, and R.T. Forman
• Experience of Place Tony Hiss
• The Geography of Nowhere James Howard Kunstler
• Second Nature Michael Pollan
• Keeping Time William Murtaugh
• The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes D. W Meinig
• Genius loci Christian Norberg-Schulz
• Topophilia Yi-Fu Tuan
• Intentions in architecture Christian Norberg-Schulz
• Space in architecture C. van der Ven
• Architecture and landscape — The design experiment of the Great European Gardens and
Landscapes Clemens Steenbergen, W. Reh
• A Pattern language Christopher Alexander
• The timeless way of building Christopher Alexander
Inhaalroute Nederland voor internationale instromers
• The making of the Dutch Landscape — An historical geography of the Netherlands A. M.
Lambert, A.M.
• Man-made lowlands G.P. van de Ven
• False flat Aron Bestky
• Landscape architecture and town planning in the Netherlands 01 – 03 Harry Harsema et al
• Een engelse vertaling van denkraam ???
• Design Drawing Experiences William Kirby Lockard
• Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers Paul Laseau
• Couleurs de l’Europe Philippe Lenclos et Dominique Lenclos
• Zeichnen, Unterwegs mit Stift und Skizzenbuch Albrecht Rissler
• The Colour of the City Ed Taverne en Cor Wagenaar (editors)
• The Character of Towns Roy Worskett
• The concise Townscape Gordon Cullen
• Colour and Culture, Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction, John Gage
• Color and Meaning, Art, Science and Symbolism John Gage

For instance :
• Creating architectural theory John Lang
• Design for Human Ecosystems John T. Lyle
• The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs
• Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies Jared Diamond
• The prince Machiavelli
• The poetics of space Gaston Bachelard
• The production of space Henry Lefaivbre
• The rise of the creative class Richard Florida
• Network society Manuel Castells
• Denken bouwen, wonen Martin Heidegger
• Environmental aesthetics Allen Carlson
• The Way, An Ecological Word-View Edward Goldsmith
• Aesthetics of the natural environment Emily Brady
• House as a Mirror of Self: Exploring the Deeper Meaning of Home, Clare Cooper Marcus
• The Symbolism of Habitat: An Interpretation of Landscape in the Arts Jay Appleton
• Ecological literacy David Orr
• Earthworks and Beyond. Contemporary Art in the Landscape John Beardsley
• Zwischen Landschaftsarchitektur und Land Art Udo Weilacher
• Contemporary History of Garden Design. European Gardens Between Art and Architecture
Penelope Hill
• Aesthetics of Ecology. Art in Environmental Design. Theory and Practice Heike Strelow
• The system of objects Jean Baudrillard
• The social life of small urban spaces William Whyte
• Kleine methodologie voor ontwerpen Taeke de Jong
Fictie met relevantie voor landschapsarchitectuur
• The fountainhead Ayn Rand
• Invisible Cities Italo Calvino
• De graanrepubliek frank westerman

Kunstenaars met voor landschapsarchitectuur relevant werk
• Andy goldsworthy
• Robert Morris
• Robert Smithson

• Christo and Jean-Claude

100 Best Books on Landscape Architecture by Tom Turner

Tom Turner is an English landscape architect, garden designer and garden historian. 

Link:100 books

The 100 "Best" Books on City-Making Ever Written?

Brent Toderian selects the 100 best books on city-making that he's collected and read over the years.

Brent Toderian is a nationally & internationally Spractitioner with over 20 years of experience in advanced urbanism, city planning and design. He launched his new consultancy, TODERIAN UrbanWORKS, following 6 years of significant achievement as Vancouver Canada’s Chi
ef Planner (2006-2012).

woensdag 11 december 2013

How to Study Public Life

In How to Study Public Life Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre draw from their combined experience of over 50 years to provide a history of public-life study as well as methods and tools necessary to recapture city life as an important planning dimension.

Gehl, J. and Svarre, B. (2013) How to Study Public Life, Island Press

Link:Public Space Public Life Studies


DVD nu verkrijgbaar / DVD now available

Andreas Dalsgaard (based on the work of Jan Gehl architects), 2012
The Human Scale meets thinkers, architects and urban planners across the globe. It questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our planning.
Plot summary:

maandag 2 december 2013


Richtschema Thurn & Taxis Bas Smets (2008)
PAYSAGE Bas Smets (2008)
Stedenbouwkundige en landschappelijke studieopdracht: ontwikkeling van de openbare ruimten op de site van TOUR & TAXIS MICHEL DESVIGNE PAYSAGISTE(2011)

Bral vzw
adt-ato _ Irisnet

Thomas Heatherwick _ Garden bridge

Garden bridge across the River Thames, London. 

Link: Dezeen

2010 _ Korenmarkt Square, Mechelen

 by ORKA

donderdag 14 november 2013

maandag 11 november 2013

Groen maakt mensen minder impulsief

Mensen houden meer rekening met de toekomst wanneer ze beslissingen nemen in natuurlijke omgevingen dan in stedelijke omgevingen.

Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van neurowetenschappers en evolutionair psychologen van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Blootstelling aan natuur zorgt ervoor dat mensen zich minder impulsief gedragen: ze kiezen vaker voor de lange termijn dan voor de korte termijn.  Een stedelijke omgeving maakt mensen juist impulsiever. Het effect van natuur op menselijk beslisgedrag is van belang bij het aanpakken van problemen zoals afvalproductie, klimaatverandering, en de explosieve bevolkingsgroei. Want juist strategieën en gedrag die zich slechts richten op de korte termijn, veroorzaken de huidige sociale en milieuproblemen. De resultaten verschijnen deze week in het tijdschrift Proceedings of the Royal Society-B.

Korte termijnwinst
In verschillende onderzoeken moesten proefpersonen financiële beslissingen nemen, bijvoorbeeld: heb je liever 10 euro nu of 12 euro over 7 dagen?. Sommige proefpersonen kregen eerst foto’s van natuurlijke omgevingen te zien, anderen kregen eerst foto’s van stedelijke omgevingen te zien. Terwijl de stadsgroep vaker voor de korte termijn winst ging (10 euro nu),  koos de natuurgroep vaker voor de beloning op de langere termijn (12 euro later). Dat werd bevestigd in vervolgonderzoek waarbij mensen ofwel in het Amsterdamse Bos ofwel op de Zuidas liepen. VU-hoogleraar Mark van Vugt: “Impulsiviteit en korte termijn denken zijn typisch menselijke eigenschappen. In ons onderzoek keken we of natuur die mechanismen in ons brein kon beïnvloeden.”

Om ervoor te zorgen dat mensen beslissingen nemen die minder schadelijk zijn voor zichzelf, hun omgeving of het milieu, kan de invloed van natuur dus belangrijk zijn. Van Vugt:

 “Een groot deel van de wereldbevolking woont in steden. Door manieren te zoeken om mensen in steden toch in contact te brengen met de natuur, kunnen we gedrag ten aanzien van bijvoorbeeld het milieu positief en wellicht structureel veranderen.”

Is dit een pleidooi voor meer groen in de stad?


woensdag 6 november 2013

Freek De Jonge

freek de jonge

het leven is een tuintje
de natuur krijgt vorm
als alles aangeharkt is
komt de storm

life is a garden
nature takes form
when everything is been raked
comes the storm

zaterdag 2 november 2013


We warmly invite you to the “URBAN MOVIES” film screenings on the VUB campus. .  

URBAN MOVIES are organized for different educational programmes: Urban Studies (4Cities), Urban Cultures (POLIS), Criminology (profile crime and the city), Urban Planning (STer*), Landscape Architecture, and Social Geography. Every movie is introduced by one of the lecturers of these programmes.

Premiere for Belgium

Tuesday 26 November 2013, 18:00-20:00

Andreas Dalsgaard (based on the work of Jan Gehl architects), 2012
The Human Scale meets thinkers, architects and urban planners across the globe. It questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our planning.
Plot summary:
Discussion with Jens Aerts (STeR* - VUB)

All movies are English spoken or subtitled.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Campus Oefenplein
Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussels – AULA Q.B
(attention, the room has been changed from Q.D to Q.B!)

Free of charge, no registration needed
Jessica van de Ven

Find Urban Movies 2013 on FACEBOOK.

woensdag 30 oktober 2013

1538 _ Titiaan _ Venus van Urbino

Wat Titiaans Venus betreft - Sappho en Anactroria in één, vier luie vingers begraven in les fleur de son jardin - hoe een schepsel erin slaagt zijn deugdzaamheid te bewaren binnen een straal van dertig vierkante mijl van deze Venus gaat mijn verstand te boven.
Algernon Charles Swinburne

What Titian's Venus is concerned - Sappho and Anactoria in one, a four lazy fingers buried in les fleur de son jardin - how a creature manages to keep its virtuosness within thirty square miles of this Venus,  is beyond my understanding.

Algernon Charles Swinburne
Link: Titiaan
Link: Algernon Charles Swinburne

Bron: Jan Willem Geerinck _ De geschiedenis van de erotiek.

zondag 27 oktober 2013

2010_Carl Steinitz _ Ways of Designing

Designing something is an art. It requires judgment. It is not a science, although it depends on science. There are no perfect formulae, but there are methods. There is no universal toolkit, but there are tools. And you cannot copy an example, but you can gain experience. 

Link: Ways of designing

Carl Steinitz, Research Professor, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, presents “Ways of Designing” at the 2010 GeoDesign Summit. 

woensdag 2 oktober 2013


We warmly invite you to the “URBAN MOVIES” film screenings on the VUB campus. .  

URBAN MOVIES are organized for different educational programmes: Urban Studies (4Cities), Urban Cultures (POLIS), Criminology (profile crime and the city), Urban Planning (STer*), Landscape Architecture, and Social Geography. Every movie is introduced by one of the lecturers of these programmes.

Students/researchers from other disciplines are welcome too!

Tuesday 8 October 2013, 18:00-20:00
Charles Chaplin, 1936
Charlie Chaplin’s “Modern Times”, an entertainment piece at the surface, also serves as a political commentary criticizing industrialization (Fordism, Taylorism).
Plot summary:
Introduction by Prof. Dr. Eric Corijn (Cosmopolis - VUB)

Tuesday 15 October 2013, 18:00-20:00
William H. Whyte, 1980
An original film studying how people use urban spaces. Why do some open spaces ‘work’ and others don’t? This classic 1980 study of New York's plazas started a mini-revolution in urban planning and design.
Plot summary:
Introduction by Pol Ghekiere (Landscape architecture, EhB)

Tuesday 12 November 2013, 18:00-20:00
Jacques Tati, 1967
Monsieur Hulot has to contact an American official in Paris, but he gets lost in the maze of modern architecture which is filled with the latest technical gadgets.
Plot summary:
Introduction by Prof. Dr. Els Enhus (Criminology - VUB)

Tuesday 19 November 2013, 18:00-20:00
Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995
A gritty and visually explosive look at the racial and cultural volatility in Paris’ banlieues
Plot summary:
Introduction by Mattias De Backer (Criminology – VUB)

Tuesday 26 November 2013, 18:00-20:00
Andreas Dalsgaard (based on the work of Jan Gehl architects), 2012
The Human Scale meets thinkers, architects and urban planners across the globe. It questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our planning.
Plot summary:
Discussion with Jens Aerts (STeR* - VUB)

All movies are English spoken or subtitled.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Campus Oefenplein
Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussels – AULA Q.B
(attention, the room has been changed from Q.D to Q.B!)

Free of charge, no registration needed
Jessica van de Ven

Find Urban Movies 2013 on FACEBOOK.

Organized by the Urban Studies Network (VUB-EhB)